Reading is important development of students, so building their literacy while also having fun enhances their education. Harlandale ISD hosts fun events year-round to celebrate the importance of reading!
Recently Shulze Elementary held a literacy night! Filled with costumes, books, and events everyone had fun at the Disney-themed school. Students brought their families to attend while school staff dressed as fan-favorite characters.
There were many fun activities such as fishing, storytelling, and goodies!
Book club students at Leal Middle School had the opportunity to find more books off campus. They went to half price books, and thanks to second book club sponsor Ms Gauna and @communitiesinschools, they were able to get those students a $10 gift card each! AND huge thanks to Paul @halfpricebooks who allowed the students to stretch that $10 with a 50% discount. The group went to lunch at Jason’s Deli and then to Barnes and Noble for a quick look around.
The group ended the afternoon at the Mission library to see what resources they offered.
It was a great day of many new experiences for the students and they had a great time!